This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Sydney beaches

It's Saturday here, and it's hot and humid. We were told when those conditions coincide, Sydneysiders head to the beach. So we took the afternoon to head out to the coast. The adventure began with our transportation, as we navigated both the rail and the bus systems to make the 45 minute journey out to Bondi beach, no small feat for two suburban kids used to driving everywhere. But, we made it Bondi without any major mishaps, and got to check out Sydney's celebrity beach...see the surfers, the sunbathers, the flashy sportscars. Good stuff. From Bondi, we joined up with the coastal walking trail that meanders almost 4 miles down the coast where we ended up at Coogee beach. It was a pleasant 2 and a half hour walk along the coast line where we got to see most of Sydney's most popular beaches. Ending up in Coogee was nice, where we stopped for lunch, bummed around in the sand and had a smoothie before figuring out how to catch the bus back downtown. The most unusual thing about Sydney's beaches are their lifeguards, who are apparently sponsored by DHL (the delivery service), and run around in red and yellow beanies, much like the ones worn by the kids who work at Hot Dog on a Stick.


Unknown said...

Beautiful shot! I like Carrie's hat. r u bringing back an Austr/NZ hat? If limited by luggage wgt, consider 'disposing' some for new ones.

When Ben ran marathon a month ago, due to chilly gust, Free press made a last min suggestion to the runners- wear a 'garbage bag' outside the jersey as a 'wind breaker'. The idea is runner can 'dispose' the bag 3-4 miles into the race when warmed up. Astronauts r doing the same thing in the space upon return to earth.

John said...

We might pick an Aussie hat if we need them in the Outback. Apparently the flies there are really bad, plus there's the really hot sun.

Anonymous said...

I love this picture!!
Yes, keep yourself covered. Use sun blocker generously!

John said...

We've been covered in lotions and sprays. We've already gone through 2 full bottles of sunscreen!

Oompa Loompa said...

Can you get me an Australian Rules Football jersey?

John said...

Any preference for State? Queensland (Cairns, Brisbane), New South Wales (Sydney), Western Australia (Perth), etc?

Oompa Loompa said...

Not really, whichever one you think looks the best.I just looked at some of the Australian Rules Football jerseys and they all have the cut off sleeves - definitely don't want one of those (even though I got the guns to pull it off). If you see any of the long sleeve of polo style that would be better.

Maybe Queensland or the the national team. I'll pay for it of course!

John said...

Scott: OK, will keep our eye out.
