This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Friday, December 8, 2006


Going to exotic locations is all about doing once in a lifetime activities. This afternoon, John jumped into a tank with a bunch of the local marinelife...giant loggerhead turtles, massive sting rays, various fish, and most notably...four 12 foot long gray nurse sharks. No cage, no weapons, just the sharks and some divers that hopefully don't look too much like food. Was an amazing time, the animals would swim right up to the divers, in one case, a shark literally buzzed John's head (pictured). The divers also got a better view of a lot of the fish, as there was a leopard shark hiding in a cave, really only visible to the divers who laid down on the floor of the tank. Carrie opted to play photographer for the day instead of getting her feet wet. Was a very fun experience, has us eagerly anticipating the Great Barrier Reef.


bballrick said...

Which one is John ? There seems to be a resemblance. Maybe they weren't hungary. Great picture and a lot of guts.

Unknown said...

COOL 'dancing' w. sharks! Your scuba dive lesson paid off. Dive suit 'camou' worked well and fooled the shark. R u ready to dance w. crocodile w. a foliage camou?

When mom and I visited Bahama several yrs ago, the local SHARK expert guaranteed to us that most sharks are harmless. I took his words and snorkelled w. some sharks. Guess what, 2 yrs later, he was attacked right there by a shark and lost his leg. So, nothing should be taken granted. Accident does happen.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, I'm glad you didn't do it. John was very brave.

audgepodge said...

Wow - John you are fearless! I would have been hanging with Carrie for sure. I think I would have heard the Jaws theme song in my head if I ventured in.

- Audrey

John said...

We've seen some crocodiles in cages, but are staying away from them, they're generally less predictable. Funny the training/disclaimer video they show before you go into the tank, they play the Jaws music. Doesn't seem like a good confidence builder...

Oompa Loompa said...

Carrie, step it up girlfriend! I thought you wore the pants in the family!

If I was that nurse shark, I would stay away from John, he's one tough cookie.

Oompa Loompa said...

Next blog I want to see that you went down in the shark cage with the Great Whites. Not the bad 80's glam band, the 20 ft. monsters of the deep.

John said...

We were in the open water today with a white tip reef shark. Working our way up to Great Whites.
