This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Marketing Demographics

We received this offer the other day. Talk about demographic targeting.

Friday, February 27, 2009

"Stand in the place where you live. . ."

Cassie has started trying to pull herself up to standing on anything and everything she can find (coffee tables, our legs, our pot rack...) She's getting more and more successful as you can see here. Now she just has to learn how to get herself down once she's up!

And a note to our friends that are new & expecting moms, enjoy the first 6-8 months when your baby is willing to lie happily on their back when you change their diaper because once they are as mobile & strong as Cassie, every diaper change will turn into a wrestling match : )

Monday, February 23, 2009

Stock options expire

John has now been at Intel for over 10 years, and today is the 10-year expiration date on the stock options from his hire date back in 1999. With Intel stock closing at $12.08 today, this large chunk of stock options is now worthless and expires at more than $21/share underwater. At their peak, these were worth over $100,000 on paper before they were fully vested, and should have been worth $500k-$1M today given the late 90's growth projections. Easy come, easy go.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our little army crawler

This picture was too cute not to share with the world -- all dressed up for her cousin Harper's birthday party.

In the past week or so, Cassie has really perfected her army crawling. She can scale the floor better than any seasoned army cadet at this point. It appears her favorite part of crawling is the fact she can now crawl to mommy when she wants to be picked up! She seems constantly torn between being held and wanting to play and can't seem to make up her mind!

Another key milestone Cassie has hit is she is swaddle free at night when she sleeps. This is huge as for a while there didn't seem to be an end in sight. She's now a happy sleeper, arms free in her sleep sack and can move and roll over whenever she wants.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cassie's First Valentine's Day

Cassie celebrated her first Valentine's day last weekend (and her 8 month birthday). Daddy got her a nice gift and the box and tissue paper they were wrapped in made for endless amount of entertainment throughout the whole day. Cassie surprised Daddy with a T-Shirt that reveals his secret identity ("the Stig") Shhh....

We were lucky enough to have a babysitter that night and were able to get some quality time over a fabulous dinner at Sent Sovi in Saratoga.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who is that cute baby?!

Believe it or not our little Cassie Bear will be 8 months old in just a few days. We haven't posted in a while, nor have we filled you all in on the latest and greatest milestones Cassie has achieved and the little personality she is developing. The picture is Cassie at daycare where she's having fun and making friends, especially with the ridiculously goodlooking baby in the mirror!

- Cassie now has two teeth. Both of her two front bottom teeth came in last month!
- She now says Ma-Ma (her first word!), Da-Da, Na-Na, Ba-Ba and all sorts of other crazy combinations. Lately she likes to listen to herself exclaim "Aaa".
- She's not crawling yet, but this girl sure can get around. She uses a combination of rolling, lunging and army crawling to get where she wants to go. Her teachers find this very impressive.
- Cassie's favorite toys are anything that IS NOT A TOY. She wants to touch and hold everything and for some reason our remote controls, a piece of paper, or a bowl will hold her attention much longer than anything made by Fisher Price. And here's your first and final warning, don't you dare take away her toys -- she will not be happy with you!
- Cassie is eating all sorts of food these days. Her lunch today was a Chicken Mango Risotto meal, which despite it's gourmet name she's not finding so delicious, yet...
