This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Steve's Bommie

Today was our last on the dive boat. We did three more dives on Ribbon Reef 9 at Steve's Bommie and Flare Point. In total on this trip to Australia, we logged 12 dives and almost 7 hours of bottom time in the water on the Reef. It's been an incredible experience, one of the highlight's of today's dives was seeing a flame file shell, and a dusky nembrotha nudibranch. The dive team on the boat is so great that a dive master jumps in the water first and will mark places on the pinnacle with glow sticks or a flash light where there are cool things to see. In the picture (photo credit Taka Dive Australia) is the flame file shell which likes to sit on the bottom inside ledge of coral formations, impossible to find unless you know it's there and have a flash light to see in. The little white squiggly lines you see along its "lips" look like electricity and they actually flash/sizzle to attract fish in to get eaten. Other exotic things we saw today included a giant moray eel, a scorpion leaf fish, a yellow trumpetfish, and two really cool looking reef cuttlefish.


Anonymous said...

Imagine being so dynamic and colorful while sitting and eating your dinner. Pitch those candles! Put a few of these in a fish tank by the dinner table.

John said...

Indeed. We would love to have a tropical saltwater fish tank someday...too much work for now though.
