This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Featherdale Wildlife Park

This morning's activity was to head out to Featherdale Wildlife Park, one of the more famous parks in Australia, just outside the Sydney city limits. We had a great time there seeing all the exotic animals, but maybe even more exciting, is that we got to interact with a lot of them. In the picture, you can see John with a diamond backed python draped around his shoulders. We also had the chance to pet koalas and feed them eucalyptus leaves, and we got to hand feed kangaroos and wallabees. Other fun animals that were around included emus, crocodiles, many poisonous spiders and reptiles, dingos, wombats, bats, tons of birds, tasmanian devils, porcupines, penguins...the list is endless. Lots of fun.


bballrick said...

Hey John, Why are you so intently keeping an eye on this guy. Maybe you don't trust him? Any how it does look good on you!


Anonymous said...

I'd say it is a little different than the Shanghai zoo.
Wonder how the snake felt about sitting there?
Any wild life that one can take aim at?

mom weizen

John said...

Maybe I need to get me some snakeskin boots. Snake was pretty happy, but kept trying to get into the tree above. No animals to shoot in the park, maybe when we get to the Outback.

Oompa Loompa said...

Looks good on you though - OOOOH.

You'll shoot your eye out! HAHAHAH

Oompa Loompa said...

Take aim at an ice cole Fosters - its' Australian for beer, mate!

John said...

Funny enough, this whole time, still haven't seen a single Fosters for sale.
