This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Temps are warming up!

The good news is that the temperature warmed up today. The bad news is that it was still only -11F when the lifts opened this morning. Here, you can see me in my full storm gear. For those of you wondering, yes, the Camelback tube that feeds water from my pack freezes in these temperatures. In about 10-15 minutes, actually. I've been having fun demo'ing the latest in ski technol0gy, I'll post some notes about what I've thought about the skis that I've tried. Since the airlines will only let me bring my snowboard or my skis (not both), I chose to just fly with my snowboard and demo skis on my ski days here.


John said...

Awesome. Blog spam, who would've thought?

Anonymous said...

i give up.

Unknown said...

As u can see, I'm way behind..but the beauty of the blog is it is faithfully sitting there.

Good idea to BUNDLE up. Detroit went thru -10F (wind chill) last 10 days (Feb.)

Airline co. is out of their mind- this month, some starts charging $10 for 2nd check-in bag. Good old days are gone. We need some Asian airline co. to show there bozos what true service should be.

John said...

That's crazy, especially since you almost have to check your bags given the liquid restrictions now.
