- Cassie now has two teeth. Both of her two front bottom teeth came in last month!
- She now says Ma-Ma (her first word!), Da-Da, Na-Na, Ba-Ba and all sorts of other crazy combinations. Lately she likes to listen to herself exclaim "Aaa".
- She's not crawling yet, but this girl sure can get around. She uses a combination of rolling, lunging and army crawling to get where she wants to go. Her teachers find this very impressive.
- Cassie's favorite toys are anything that IS NOT A TOY. She wants to touch and hold everything and for some reason our remote controls, a piece of paper, or a bowl will hold her attention much longer than anything made by Fisher Price. And here's your first and final warning, don't you dare take away her toys -- she will not be happy with you!
- Cassie is eating all sorts of food these days. Her lunch today was a Chicken Mango Risotto meal, which despite it's gourmet name she's not finding so delicious, yet...
Awww... Cassie Bear is so talented! And yum, that meal sounds delish :)
She is almost a grown-up!
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