This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Early to jet lag, early to rise

With a pretty extreme case of jetlag, we were both up pretty early this morning (after going to bed at 6pm, haha). The first thing we did was find a bakery to grab a couple schokocroissants (chocolate filled croissants), and stroll through the Naschmarkt (open air produce/farmer's market). One, because the pastries are delicious, and two, because those are the only things open at 6am. Afterwards, we spent some time on the Hofburg Imperial Palace grounds, where we visited the Museum of Natural History, and the Albertina Museum, which was showing a special exhibition on modern art progressing from Monet to Picasso.


Unknown said...

Early bird gets the worm. You2 looked GREAT. Have fun! Don't stay up too late- BABY needs sleep to grow :)

John said...

It's really hard to stay up late, we've been in bed by 9:30pm most nights. Tonight we'll be up late to watch the SuperBowl (starts at 12:17am local time), but that's probably the only late night we'll have.
