This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cassie Expanding Her Boundaries

As Cassie nears her second birthday in a few weeks, she is experiencing a roller coaster of emotions and feelings.  Toddlerhood has brought with it a great desire to broaden her horizons by seeking new (and more dangerous) adventures, to try everything by "self," to express her opinions more, and to really challenge the limits of her world.  On the flip side, Cassie also has moments where she clings to mom and dad more than she has in her entire life.  We've had the first tears on school dropoffs in over a year recently, and the most time spent snuggling into a shoulder that we can remember.  The picture here however, is her finding new adventures.  At school they have set up a riser next to a big soft mat where the children can take giant leaps and land safely.  It's one of Cassie's favorite things to do now.

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