This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sippy Cups are for Babies

As you would expect, Cassie continues to learn at an exponential pace. As she approaches the magical 18 month mark, she is also starting to exhibit toddler opinions. One of the things that Cassie has developed a fondness for is drinking out of "real" cups, due in large part to that being encouraged at school. At meal time in her high chair, we will often let her drink out of a non-sippy cup despite the mess it sometimes makes. Cassie is pictured during a sick day here, drinking soup out her cup, with the chicken and noodles separated in her bowl.

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