This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cassie's first drawing

Cassie is learning a lot lately. I'd guess that she recognizes around 100 words at this point, and is able to say a few words as well, knowing what they mean. Some of the things she understands and responds to:
  • Let's go to Cassie's room
  • Let's change Cassie's diaper
  • Can you lie down?
  • Do you want to go in the pool?
  • Are you all done?
  • Do you want more?
  • Do you want to eat?
  • Where's the fire? (In reference to the fireplace in Goodnight Moon book)
  • Where's the kitty cats/red balloon/dog/fan/butterfly/dragonfly?
She now says "daddy", "dogdog" and "hi" correctly. She also "roars" when she sees tigers or lions in her book or on TV. She tries to say "cheese" and makes attempts at other animal noises like "moo", "baa" or "purr." Carrie helped Cassie discover crayons the other day and Cassie drew her very first picture!


Etta said...

isn't it fun? Nora can routinely spend 5 minutes pointing at this one page in a book and having me tell her what she's looking at... moon, tree, moon, tree, moon, house, moon, tree, moon, silo - and then sometimes she gets excited and says moon. She also has responded a few times to "lets go upstairs and go to bed" by heading over and crawling up the stairs to her room!

also, try drawing with chalk outside... i find it gets eaten less than crayons :)

Janet said...

Beautiful artwork! Fi is still in the eating crayons phase. :)
