This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Barbeque at Jodi and Jason's

A bunch of Carrie's friends from high school got together last weekend at Jodi and Jason's house. We had a delayed Cinqo de Mayo party for the adults, and the kids all got to run around and play with the (surprisingly) large number of kids toys that Jodi has at their house. Cassie is playing with her new friend, Leah (20 months) in this picture.


Anonymous said...

It looks like Cassie may have John's engineering instincts. Also, maybe Nana's choice of colors. (Red)..

Anonymous said...

They are like a group of ANGELs. i like babies.
