This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

OMG, We're On Our Own!!!

Week 5 is finished, John's mom left this morning, and we are officially on our own with no training wheels. Aaahh!! To our dear friends and family, be on notice that we took careful notes these past few weeks and will be calling you in the near future to start redeeming those offers for babysitting and free dinners...lolz. This was a big week for us. Cassie celebrated her one-month birthday, a significant milestone in the Chinese culture. It also means that we're no longer house-bound, and have the doctors' permission to take Cassie out and about in public. Carrie's been taking her on 2-3 mile strolls each day. Additionally, Cassie got to visit the Campbell Farmer's Market as well as downtown Los Gatos. Being able to take her out definitely opens up our options immensely, which has been nice. She's been getting more and more alert the past couple of weeks, but that's really only translated into more time with her being awake and screaming. We were rewarded this week with her first real smiles though, which as you can see from the picture, are ridiculously cute. Starved for more pictures?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet! What an angel! Welcome to the Outside world, BIG girl!

Beautiful picture, fantastic job done by Freshdad & Freshmom!

Uncle BT Cherng called me from Taiwan last night to send his congratulation and blessing. His son, Jie-Tzi also became Freshdad in May. It was a BOY. Excellent family planning!
