This is the weblog of our adventures. It started with our trip to New Zealand and Australia, but nowadays is just a place for our day to day posts. Follow us on our adventures and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is John's favorite holiday of the year, and this year we had a little party at the house, decorated, and gave out lots of candy. We are slowly establishing ourselves as the "cool" house to trick-or-treat at. This is the third year that we've given out full size candy (not the "fun size")...peanut M&Ms, Fun Dip, Starburst and Nerds. We also setup the projector to display out the front window, which brought a lot of visitors to figure out how it was working. As per tradition for our holiday party, we had "scary spaghetti" and then some awesome chocolate fondue for dessert. Carrie's dressed as a bunny, John (if it's not obvious) is dressed as a guy riding on Frankenstein's shoulders.


Unknown said...

Sorry I'm running late responding, but better late than never, right!? Cool costumes! How lucky Carrie is to wear this in Campbell. If in GP, you might catch a cold :)

It is so wonderful that you TREAT neighbors' kid so GENEROUSLY. Glad that John enjoys Halloween. I passed out candies ALL-by-mySELF this time because Mom was in Wyoming chasing her buck...and Ben has been gone for long time. But I decided to keep the heritage going. It was fun to see nearly 180 kids showing up.

John said...

We only got around 60 kids, but I thought that was great. Most we've had so far!
